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Unveiling the Hidden Costs of Data Silos and Information Overload in Today’s Organizations

By Felicite Moorman, CEO of BOSS.Tech As the digital landscape continues to expand, so does the complexity of managing the vast amounts of information that flood into our organizations daily. The modern enterprise is a dynamic entity where data flows incessantly. Yet, despite this abundance, valuable insights often slip through the cracks, costing businesses dearly in missed opportunities and compromised decision-making. Today, I want to explore two critical challenges that plague many organizations—data silos and information overload—and discuss how they impact your bottom line. Understanding the Hidden Enemies: Data Silos and Information Overload The Paradox of Missing Insights In our quest for business excellence, we sometimes overlook the simplest truths: you can’t use what you can’t see or don’t even know exists. Insights don’t just disappear; they go unnoticed because they’re either locked away in data silos or lost in a sea of information. But what spawns these issues? Data Silos: The Modern Locked File Cabinet Decades ago, data silos might have been as straightforward as a locked file cabinet, accessible to only a select few within an organization. Now, they’ve morphed into a more insidious form, thanks largely to our increasingly digital operations. Silos now arise not only from the physical and technical limitations of data storage and access but also from the strategic choices we make about how data is managed and shared within our teams. For instance, in an era where remote work is commonplace, information once centrally stored on secure servers is now dispersed across various devices and cloud services. This fragmentation makes it challenging to maintain a cohesive and accessible data environment. Similarly, the software diversity within an organization can create barriers to data accessibility and transferability, further compounding the issue. Information Overload: Drowning in Data On the flip side, the sheer volume of information produced today can be just as crippling as data silos. The proliferation of data in the digital age means that distinguishing valuable insights from mundane details is becoming increasingly difficult. This information overload can stall decision-making processes and obscure the insights that could drive strategic advantages. The High Cost of Missed Opportunities Quantifying the Impact How do you measure the cost of an insight that was never gained? It’s a challenging endeavor. For instance, consider the infamous decision by Blockbuster to reject Netflix’s acquisition offer in 2000—a missed opportunity that ultimately cost Blockbuster its dominance in the entertainment rental industry. While not every missed insight carries such dramatic consequences, even smaller oversights can lead to significant financial losses, decreased productivity, and missed regulatory compliance. Recent studies have attempted to put numbers to these phenomena. For example, redundant investments in digital technologies, spurred by uncoordinated information strategies, can increase operational costs by nearly 6%, with organizations seeing a shortfall in revenue growth due to these inefficiencies. Bridging the Gap: Strategies to Overcome Information Challenges Technology as a Tool, Not Just a Challenge While technology contributes to the problem of data silos and information overload, it also offers a plethora of solutions. Advanced information management systems can help break down silos by integrating disparate data sources and making them accessible across the organization. Moreover, these systems can filter and prioritize information, transforming a deluge of data into a stream of actionable insights. The Human Element: Culture and Collaboration However, technology alone isn’t a panacea. Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in effectively managing data. Encouraging a culture of openness and collaboration can mitigate the formation of silos. By fostering an environment where sharing and communication are valued, organizations can ensure that insights are freely distributed and utilized. Incentivizing teams to collaborate and share information can lead to a more holistic view of the organization’s data landscape, thereby enhancing decision-making and reducing the likelihood of missing critical insights. Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Data Management The challenges of data silos and information overload are formidable, but not insurmountable. With strategic use of technology coupled with a shift in organizational culture, businesses can enhance their ability to harness the full potential of their data. In an era where data is both a commodity and a challenge, leaders must be vigilant in their approach to information management. By breaking down silos and managing information overload, we can uncover the hidden insights that drive successful, resilient businesses. As we navigate these complex issues, remember: in the realm of data, visibility is not just about seeing—it’s about understanding and acting. Let’s not miss the forest for the trees

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The Entrepreneurial Journey of Building BOSS.Tech with Felicite Moorman and Ryan Buchert

The following is a summary of the EntrepreNourish Podcast’s second episode aired on March 6, 2024. Listen to the Podcast below by clicking on the Spotify link or view the Youtube video at the bottom of the page. Also find EntrepreNourish wherever you listen to Podcasts. Knock Know! Who’s There? Interrupting Cow! … Sorry Ryan! In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and technology, the journey of building a startup is filled with challenges, learnings, and moments of unexpected joy. This is exactly what Felicite Moorman and Ryan Buchert, co-founders of BOSS.Tech, shared in their latest podcast episode on “EntrepreNourish.” Their candid conversation sheds light on the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of their entrepreneurial ventures. The Genesis of BOSS.Tech BOSS.Tech, a business operating system and SuperApp, stands as the culmination of years of ideation, development, and innovation. Ryan Buchert, the tech wizard behind the venture, shared that the concept of BOSS.Tech had been brewing in his mind for four years before it finally took shape. The journey from conception to coding spanned approximately two years, highlighting the patience and perseverance required to bring such a complex idea to fruition. Embracing Challenges and Unexpected Turns The path to launching BOSS.Tech was anything but straightforward. The duo faced numerous hurdles, from deciding on the company’s culture and team dynamics to choosing Costa Rica as their headquarters. Felicite recalled her initial skepticism about moving operations to Costa Rica, a decision that eventually felt right due to the country’s emphasis on community, family, and a balanced work culture. One of the most significant challenges they encountered was the need to pivot and rebuild their technology infrastructure upon the public availability of AI in November 2022. This decision, though difficult, was pivotal in ensuring that BOSS.Tech was equipped with the most advanced and efficient technology architecture possible. The Importance of Culture, Decision Making, and Adaptability Throughout their conversation, both Felicite and Ryan emphasized the importance of building a strong company culture and making informed decisions. They highlighted how entrepreneurs must rely on their gut instincts and make the best decisions possible with the information available at the time. This approach has guided them through uncertain times, including navigating the potential impacts of COVID-19 and economic recessions. The Revolutionary Potential of BOSS.Tech BOSS.Tech aims to simplify the intersection of business and technology. Ryan, with his extensive background in engineering and technology, sees BOSS.Tech as a tool to bridge the gap between business needs and technological capabilities. This platform is designed to make it easier for entrepreneurs to leverage technology, embodying Felicite’s vision of having a “Ryan in your pocket” – albeit jokingly referred to. Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead Reflecting on their journey, Felicite and Ryan shared valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. They stressed the importance of patience, the willingness to learn from failures, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. Building a startup is a marathon, not a sprint, requiring a blend of technical acumen, business savvy, and the courage to take risks. As BOSS.Tech prepares for its launch, Felicite and Ryan’s story serves as a testament to the power of partnership, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of solving hard problems. Their journey is a reminder that the path to entrepreneurial success is paved with challenges, but it is these very challenges that lead to groundbreaking innovations and lasting impact. In the world of startups, every challenge is an opportunity, every failure a lesson, and every success a milestone. For Felicite Moorman and Ryan Buchert, the adventure of building BOSS.Tech is just the beginning of their mission to revolutionize the way businesses operate and leverage technology. Their story is an inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere, proving that with the right mix of grit, determination, and vision, anything is possible.

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Nourishing the Entrepreneurial Soul: Insights with Felicite Moorman & Jasper Lloyd

The following is a summary of the EntrepreNourish Podcast’s first episode aired on February 20, 2024. Listen to the Podcast below by clicking on the Spotify link or view the Youtube video at the bottom of the page. Also find EntrepreNourish wherever you listen to Podcasts. We Do NOT Eat a Frog in This Episode! Welcome to the EntrepreNourish podcast, where entrepreneurship meets creativity and collaboration. In this episode, we dive deep into the entrepreneurial journey with Felicite Moorman, an entrepreneur and software technologist, alongside her long-time creative partner Jasper Lloyd. Join us as we uncover valuable insights, share experiences, and explore the essence of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship isn’t just about the hustle; it’s about nourishing the entrepreneurial soul. As Felicite and Jasper embark on their seventh year of collaboration, they reflect on their journey from marketing to design, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and creative synergy in their work. With their near-psychic connection and shared vision, they’ve mastered the art of anticipation, easing the stresses of the entrepreneurial path. Their latest project together, BOSS.Tech, embodies their commitment to empowering entrepreneurs worldwide. BOSS.Tech is poised to revolutionize business operations, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline accounting, marketing, communication, scheduling, and more. With a focus on time management, money management, and growth, BOSS.Tech aims to support entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey. In this episode, Felicite and Jasper tackle some burning questions from their audience, ranging from daily habits to career lessons. They share insights on maintaining balance, prioritizing health, and embracing the unpredictability of startup life. Felicite’s “PLEASE” acronym encapsulates the essence of self-care, reminding entrepreneurs to prioritize their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. One key takeaway from their conversation is the importance of embracing uncertainty and seeking creative solutions outside the traditional funding model. While venture capital may seem like the holy grail for startups, Felicite challenges this notion, advocating for bootstrapping and strategic partnerships as viable alternatives. By focusing on outward-facing solutions and nurturing meaningful relationships, entrepreneurs can pave their path to success. As the episode comes to a close, Felicite and Jasper leave listeners with a powerful message: every interaction matters. Whether it’s a chance encounter or a strategic partnership, cultivating genuine connections can open doors and propel entrepreneurial ventures forward. By staying adaptable, resilient, and community-focused, entrepreneurs can navigate the highs and lows of the journey with confidence. Join us next time for another empowering conversation on EntrepreNourish, where we continue to nourish the entrepreneurial soul …one episode at a time.

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Guardians of the Digital Age: A Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Cybersecurity and Maturity levels

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is of paramount importance for enterprises of all sizes. With the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks, protecting sensitive data and maintaining business continuity have become critical concerns. In this article, we’ll explore the key aspects of cybersecurity and provide practical insights to help enterprises fortify their defenses. Cybersec Principles Firstly, cybersecurity is divided into three pillars: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. It’s known as the cybersec triad. Confidentiality: Concept: Confidentiality ensures that sensitive information is kept private and accessible only to those who have the proper authorization to access it. Integrity: Concept: Integrity ensures that data remains accurate and unaltered during its storage, transmission, or processing. Availability: Concept: Availability ensures that systems and data are accessible and functional when needed by authorized users. Sometimes we hear some kind of “buzz words” such as web applications firewalls, application security, encryption, network security and others, but the enterprise doesn’t have the maturity level to implement these solutions, but, in order to explain this concept, is important to know about the based model to start designing and implementing a cybersecurity strategy. People, Technology and Process… Yes, if we are thinking about cybersecurity in companies, we must take in count the people, maybe with high priority before investing in technology. Is a lifecycle process between people, technology and the process into the company and continuous integration to increase the maturity level. Have clear concepts and well-structured training lay the groundwork for a culture of cybersecurity awareness within an organization. However, it’s crucial to recognize that this awareness extends beyond just knowing the basics of cybersecurity; it involves ingraining these principles into the daily operations of the enterprise. This is where the implementation of policies comes into play. Cybersecurity policies act as the guiding framework that transforms awareness into action. These policies delineate how employees, from executives to front-line staff, should interact with technology and data. They provide clear guidelines on acceptable technology usage, access control, data classification, and incident response procedures. By integrating these policies into the organization’s fabric, a culture of security becomes second nature, reducing the likelihood of human errors or lapses that can lead to cyber incidents. Therefore, the process of cybersecurity awareness should seamlessly flow into the implementation and enforcement of policies, reinforcing good cybersecurity practices at every level. Maturity Level There are so many frameworks that can help us to improve our cybersecurity. The concept of maturity level in cybersecurity is defined by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is: “A Crawl/Walk/Run-style set of characteristics, practices, or processes that represent the progression of capabilities in a particular discipline and tool to benchmark current capabilities and identify goals and priorities for improvement.” Before to implement this framework, we must to define the next points and questions: For example, the NIST provides one of the best frameworks called Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) and Cybersecurity Framework for incident response. The model contains more than 350 cybersecurity practices which are grouped by objective into 10 logical domains. Each practice is assigned a maturity indicator level (MIL) that indicates the progression of practices within a domain. Each domain is a high level implementation in each cybersecurity pillar (availability, confidentiality and integrity of the data). And in each domain we have three levels of maturity: There are other frameworks and all of them provide us the way to implement a cybersecurity maturity level in our organizations such as: Conclusion: In the digital age, where the reliance on technology is paramount, cybersecurity stands as a critical pillar for enterprises of all sizes. Protecting sensitive data, ensuring business continuity, and fortifying defenses against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats are now top priorities. This comprehensive guide has explored the fundamental principles of cybersecurity, focusing on the triad of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which underpin all cybersecurity endeavors. Understanding that cybersecurity is not solely about technology but also involves people and processes is essential. Building a culture of cybersecurity awareness within an organization is foundational. It involves instilling the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability into the daily operations of the enterprise. The implementation of well-structured policies plays a crucial role in translating awareness into action, providing clear guidelines for technology usage, access control, data classification, and incident response. This integration of policies into the organizational fabric ensures that security practices become second nature, reducing the risk of human errors that can lead to cyber incidents. Moreover, the concept of maturity levels in cybersecurity, as defined by NIST, offers a structured approach to assess and enhance an organization’s cybersecurity posture. To embark on this journey, organizations must answer key questions, ranging from their current cybersecurity practices and business objectives to the selection of appropriate maturity models and resources. The maturity model provides a roadmap for progress, encompassing domains related to the three pillars of cybersecurity: availability, confidentiality, and integrity. Each domain consists of practices that evolve across three levels of maturity, representing the progression of capabilities within that domain. By implementing maturity models like NIST’s Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model (C2M2) and frameworks like NIST Cybersecurity Framework or ISO 27001, organizations can systematically elevate their cybersecurity posture, adapting to an ever-evolving threat landscape. Cybersecurity is a multifaceted discipline that involves not only technology but also people, policies, and processes. It is imperative for enterprises to adopt a holistic approach to cybersecurity, fostering a culture of awareness and continuously advancing their maturity levels to protect their digital assets and uphold the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. References:

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The Quiet Strength: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Introverts in a Noisy World

In today’s fast-paced society, where the loudest voices often dominate the room, we may underestimate the value and power of the quieter individuals among us—introverts. In a world that often rewards extroversion, it’s easy to overlook the unique skills and talents that introverts bring to the table. Let’s dive into the hidden potential of introverts and why it’s time to give them the recognition they deserve. The Myths about Introversion There are several misconceptions about introverts: that they’re shy, antisocial, or not as effective leaders as their extroverted counterparts. These myths, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Introverts are not necessarily shy; they simply find social interactions draining and prefer a more subdued environment. Likewise, they can excel in leadership roles, particularly when leading a team of self-starters who value autonomy and independence. The Value of Deep Work In a world addicted to multitasking and the constant buzz of notifications, introverts excel at “deep work,” a focused, intense form of work that allows for the solving of complex problems or the mastery of difficult skills. Deep work requires an environment free from distractions—a setting in which introverts thrive. Their natural propensity for deep work makes introverts invaluable in roles that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and a high level of focus. Emotional Intelligence While extroverts may excel in group dynamics, introverts often possess a high level of emotional intelligence. They’re keen observers, attuned to the nuances in behavior and speech that others might overlook. This makes them excellent in roles that require negotiation, empathy, and understanding multiple perspectives. Creativity Flows in Solitude Many of the world’s great artists, writers, and thinkers are introverts. Why? Because solitude often sparks creativity. The quiet space allows for reflection, daydreaming, and the kind of focused work that results in groundbreaking ideas and solutions. In a corporate setting, introverts can be the driving force behind innovative products, efficient systems, and transformative policies. The Need for Balance This is not to say that one personality type is superior to the other. Both introverts and extroverts offer unique skills and perspectives that are valuable in different contexts. The key is to recognize these traits and place individuals in roles where they can maximize their natural abilities.  For example, while an extrovert might thrive in a client-facing role that requires a lot of social interaction, an introvert might excel in a research and development role that allows them to work independently. Recognizing these strengths and leveraging them effectively can create a balanced, productive work environment. Conclusion It’s time to move beyond stereotypes and appreciate the unique qualities that introverts bring to our professional and personal lives. From their ability to engage in deep work to their emotional intelligence and creativity, introverts offer a range of skills and abilities that are not only valuable but essential to the success of any endeavor. By creating environments where introverts can shine, we enrich our workplaces, our communities, and our own understanding of what it means to be successful.

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Igniting the Creative Spark: A Force Capable of Transformation

There is an inexhaustible force called creativity behind innovation, artistic expression, and human development. As the years have passed, creativity has been the driving force behind significant societal advances. We must be clear that creativity is not exclusive; it is within reach for all of us. We will explore the incredibly creative world, its importance, and ways to nurture it to unleash its full potential. What is Creativity?  Creativity, in a few words, is the ability to generate new ideas, concepts, and solutions. We can be creative in art, science, technology, and many other areas. For something to be considered creative, it is necessary to bring ideas into reality, materialize them, and share them; simply leaving them in imagination is not enough. Creativity involves embracing divergent thinking and exploring new perspectives to discover novel answers. The Creative Process Creativity is not about going from A to B; it doesn’t follow a straight line. It is a fluid and sometimes even chaotic process. At times, the creative process is incredibly simple, while at other moments, it takes prolonged periods of intense work. Creative success relies on diverse ideas and overcoming the fear of failure. The creative process is different for each person and is filled with various elements: observation, experimentation, questioning, and perseverance. Why is Creativity Important? Creativity is vital for progress and evolution. It has driven scientific discoveries, inventions, works of art, and technological advancements; it has been a driving force throughout human history. With a touch of creativity, complex problems can be solved, we can adapt to change, and enhance our quality of life. Creativity allows us to communicate emotions and experiences in a unique way. Realms of Creativity Challenges in Creativity Despite being such a positive trait, creativity currently faces challenges in modern society. Lack of time and routine limit our opportunities for creative exploration. Fear of failure diminishes expressive creativity and can lead us to conformism. How Do We Cultivate Creativity? There are different ways to nurture creativity, try the following: In conclusion, we can say that creativity is an inexhaustible force that resides within us. It is indispensable for progress and the expression of our identity. Through art, science, education, and conflict resolution, creativity has contributed to human history. Cultivating our creative spark requires dedication and courage, but it is entirely worth it when we receive impactful results. Let’s embrace creativity and let everything we do be infused with a different tone, one that can improve the world.

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Discover the power of Data Governance and Data Democratization with BOSS.Tech!

At BOSS.Tech, we understand the importance of having a solid strategy to manage your data, by ensuring its quality, security, and privacy. We believe in empowering all members of your organization with access to that data, so they can make informed decisions and drive innovation. In this blog we will answer the following questions about Data Governance and Data Democratization: Get ready to transform the way your company utilizes data! I. Data Governance: The key to data quality and security! 🔒 Imagine your data as a treasure, and Data Governance as the map that ensures its integrity and reliability. The only way to access data is to follow the map correctly. It is essential to establish an effective data governance structure that defines roles, responsibilities, and clear policies to ensure the quality and value of the data used in the organization. Wong, P. (2023). Data Governance Illustration Cathy O’Neil, author of the book “Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy,” emphasizes the importance of ethical and responsible data governance. According to O’Neil: “Data governance is not just about managing data internally, but also about ensuring that the algorithms and models used do not generate bias or discrimination. It is necessary to establish data governance practices that promote transparency, fairness, and accountability in the use of artificial intelligence” (O’Neil, 2016). For BOSS.Tech, these are the pillars of Data Governance and how they form the foundation of our successful data management: Wong, P. (2023). Data Governance Master Data is like the solid foundations on which the entire structure is built, and upon which all other data and processes depend, ensuring the integrity and quality of data throughout the organization. This data often includes critical information that needs to be precise, up-to-date, and consistent across all systems and applications in your organization. Having a solid foundation of Master Data enables more informed decision-making, improves process efficiency, ensures greater consistency and reliability in business operations, and builds a strong and reliable organizational structure to drive your company’s success. Build your success on a solid foundation! Proper data modeling enhances the performance of query and operation systems, making them more efficient and optimized. Adequate data modeling also facilitates data analysis and report generation. The right design is the key to building a solid database! By consolidating data from different sources into a single access point, you can establish rules and processes for data cleansing, normalization, and enrichment. Additionally, members of your organization can access and use data more quickly and easily, without having to search for information across different systems or perform multiple queries. Connect the dots and unleash the power of information! Data architecture encompasses various aspects such as designing data storage infrastructure, planning connectivity and system integration, defining security and privacy policies, and implementing data flow processes. Build a solid data building to drive your success! Data storage is fundamental to protect and optimize your treasure (data). By having an efficient storage system and performing agile and precise operations, you can make informed decisions, provide exceptional customer experiences, and optimize your internal processes. Optimize your data and take your business to the next level!  Data quality is essential for the success of any company. With accurate, complete, and reliable data, you can improve operational efficiency, deliver exceptional customer experiences, make decisions that drive growth, and be on the right path to success in the competitive business world. Quality is the key to intelligent decisions and solid results! Data security refers to the measures and practices implemented to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information stored in your system. To build an impenetrable fortress for your data, you need to take various security measures. Some of them include: Data security is an ongoing process as threats and attack techniques constantly evolve. It is crucial to stay updated on the latest trends and adopt new security measures as necessary. Protecting data is essential to maintain customer trust, comply with privacy regulations, and prevent financial losses and reputation damage. Build an impenetrable wall for your data and keep your valuable information secure! The Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Tools are your allies to transform information into strategic actions. Transform your data into powerful strategic actions! According to John Ladley, author of the book “Data Governance: How to Design, Deploy, and Sustain an Effective Data Governance Program,” Data Governance refers to a set of policies, processes, and controls established to ensure the quality, integrity, security, and availability of data within an organization. Ladley states: “The successful implementation of a Data Governance program enables the establishment of a solid structure for data management and control. This ensures the quality and reliability of information used for decision-making, as well as compliance with regulations and standards related to data protection” (Ladley, 2012). Data governance is a fundamental pillar for organizations that aim to fully leverage the potential of their data, guaranteeing its integrity and responsible utilization. II. Data Democratization: Imagine data is like a pizza, and data democratization is when we slice it into pieces and give each person in the company a fair portion. Wong, P.(2023). Data Democratization Illustration “The democratization of data is a game changer. By allowing access to data at any level of your organization, it empowers individuals at all levels of ownership and responsibility to use data in decision making” Marr, B. (2017). By promoting data democratization, organizations empower all team members to have access to the information needed to make data-driven decisions and actively contribute to the continuous improvement of the company. Democratizing data is like giving everyone the power to make informed decisions and fully leverage the value of data, eliminating information silos and fostering a data-driven culture. Everyone can contribute their expertise and unique perspectives, enriching decision-making and problem-solving. It encourages collaboration, transparency, and innovation within an organization, generating new ideas, uncovering opportunities, and optimizing processes. It’s time to democratize your data and unleash the potential of your organization! Conclusion According to Andrew Ng in

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DevOps at BOSS.Tech

The DevOps basically works in the infrastructure area, taking care of creating automated deployments for each component, ensuring cloud operations, stability, and continuous functioning of running services and applications. Infrastructure as Code at 100%, one of our missions 🦸‍♂️. Strict monitoring detects functionalities with problems, ensures better functioning of integrations between different components, helps to make the necessary adjustments in the infrastructure to improve performance and optimize the use of resources. All this ensures early detection of problems in such a way that many of them are detected and solved before reaching a customer-facing environment. At BOSS.Tech we manage an effective alerting system that integrates infrastructure with our task management system, so that each alert issued by an application functionality or by a service in the infrastructure arrives immediately, notifies and can be reviewed by the DevOps team. Capture of some alerts triggered from our infrastructure Once alerts are reviewed they can be treated as incidents, assigned as tasks and our team gets to work on their immediate resolution. Capture of some incidents created from alerts  This mechanism is expanded to each component of BOSS.Tech, so that the management of alerts and incidents covers various repositories, responsible parties, components and functionalities.  Incidents are automatically categorized based on error codes, making their analysis and assignment more effective, helping in a more agile solution of each incident. Our goal is to maintain as much coverage as possible over everything that runs and functions in our infrastructure, gradually increasing iteration after iteration the scope and capacity to observe and respond quickly to any problem. It is a mission that involves work between different teams (but that is not a problem at BOSS.Tech) and from which DevOps, Frontend & Backend developers benefit. One of our dashboard with some alarms triggered

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QR Code Dos: 6 Best Practices To Implement Now

Whether you use them as a business card or in place of physical menus at a restaurant, QR codes are a great way to deliver a lot of information in a small space. These simple, scannable codes can be placed on posters, flyers, conference tables, and more in order to drive engagement with you and your business. Like with any marketing strategy, there are best practices. We’ve covered some QR code don’ts, but what about QR code dos? 6 QR code dos to help strengthen your marketing strategy 1. Give people a reason to scan: Wherever you place your code, you need a call to action. Why should they scan it? They should know what the QR code is taking them to before they scan it. Make sure the call to action is easy to see and understand. A QR code destination should never be a surprise.  2. Link to shortened URLs: QR codes are essentially a shortcut to a webpage or a file like a PDF. When linking to a webpage, it’s best to use a URL shortener and link to that shortened URL. This will help with scan and load times, making for a better user experience. Many QR code generators will shorten the link for you if you are making dynamic QR codes, but it’s best to double-check. 3. Use dynamic codes instead of static ones: Speaking of dynamic QR codes… There are two types of QR codes: Dynamic and static. Each has its own benefits, but for marketing purposes, dynamic QR codes are usually the best choice. Dynamic codes do not store information in the code itself, whereas static QR codes do. Because dynamic ones don’t have the information in the code design, this allows them to be updated, branded, and the size can be changed. They can also track analytics, where static QR codes cannot. Unless you are creating QR codes for a single-use purpose where the information never needs to be updated and you don’t need to track things, dynamic codes are going to be your best choice. 4. Incorporate branding: These days, QR codes can, to some extent, be customized to meet your branding needs. You can change the colors of the code, as well as add a logo or maybe an app icon (if you want them to use it to download an app.) However, as we mentioned in the QR code don’ts blog, you don’t want to go overboard. Ensure the code is still easy to see and can be scanned without issue. 5. Track the analytics: Don’t you want to know how many people are scanning your QR codes? Of course you do! You need to know how effective they are. Most QR code generators offer analytics tracking in some way, so take advantage of it! You use data and analytics in other aspects of your marketing strategy, so why not with this? 6. Keep it updated: The beauty of dynamic QR codes is that you can keep them updated without worrying about producing a new code. Swap out links, update your menus, and replace documents whenever you need to and don’t worry about printing out new ones. This makes it easy to continue to track analytics for different parts of a campaign, and keep things more sustainable! 

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QR Code Don’ts: Avoid These 7 Mistakes

QR codes are an easy and effective marketing tool that exploded in popularity during the pandemic. Although they’ve been around since the 90s, the need for contactless information exchanges during the COVID-19 pandemic brought them back in a big way. However, the boom in usage also brought to light some common QR code don’ts you’ll want to avoid. QR codes aren’t just for menus. They have many uses and can be a great tool to have in your marketing arsenal. QR code business cards are a more sustainable way of sharing your business information, and they can be an easy way for customers to learn more about a product or service. A small QR code can hold much more information than a simple flyer or product description. And with their ability to be edited and altered without changing the code themselves, it’s a great way to ensure your customers get the most up-to-date information possible. Like with anything, there are best practices to keep in mind when launching your QR code campaign. So before you launch into your QR code era, make sure to avoid these don’ts. Easily Avoid These 7 QR Code Don’ts 1. Make it too small: A great thing about QR codes is they can hold a lot of information in a small space. And they can be printed fairly small and still work! But they can be too small. Remember the context your customers will be scanning them in and if it’s big enough to be effective. If it’s too small, they might not notice it. And worse? It might not work. 2. Have it link to a webpage that isn’t optimized for mobile: QR codes are meant to be scanned by a smartphone. If you direct people to desktop pages that haven’t been optimized for mobile, you give them a bad user experience. They likely won’t stay on the page very long, rendering your QR code campaign ineffective.  3. Put them where people can’t scan them: Up high, on billboards, inside a fish tank. Okay, that last one was a joke, but you get the point. The beauty of QR codes is that they can be incredibly accessible if they are used correctly. Keep in mind how easy it is to reach the code with a smartphone when placing them.  4. Over customize: These days, QR code generators usually offer some creative freedom. Allowing you to do things like change the colors and add a logo. This is great, especially for branding purposes, but it’s very easy to render the QR code unscannable. Darker colors scan better than lighter colors, and if you add a logo, try to keep it small so it doesn’t interfere with the code itself.   5. Put too many in one place: Sometimes you may need more than one QR code in the same place. For instance, a restaurant may have one for the drinks menu and one for the food menu. You may have one on your marketing flyer that goes to your website and one that allows people to download an app. If you need more than one in the same place, be sure to clearly label them and spread them out so there is no confusion on what code goes where. 6. Flash them quickly: If you are putting a QR code in a digital ad like on TV or on a screen in a stadium, make sure they are up long enough for people to pull out their phones, open the camera app, and scan them. If they flash too quickly, no one can use them.  7. Forget to test it first: Before you put your QR codes on your business cards or marketing materials, make sure you test them. More than once. Use different kinds of phones, and put them in places with various levels of Wi-Fi access and phone service levels. Be 200% sure that most people will be able to scan your code before putting it out into the world. 

QR Code Don’ts: Avoid These 7 Mistakes Read More »